Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Have you noticed how we don’t make a move or a change in our lives until things get really, and I mean REALLY bad for us? We sit on a spike and we don’t move from that place until we start bleeding so badly that our life is at stake. 

Why is that? We see that everywhere around us, be it at the work place, in relationships, when it comes to our health and wellbeing, and so on. We sit in that place that some like to call “comfort zone” - well, in my opinion that cannot be a comfort zone, because comfort for me is a state of relaxation and wellbeing. Let’s call it in that place of fear. But fear of what? Fear of failure? Fear of making things worse than they are? Or is it fear of success? Are we afraid that if we reach a certain level of success our whole lives will change and that will put us in different, unknown situations? I think I can check them all, I lived all of the above, and I noticed that until I made a real and serious decision, nothing in my life changed. And I mean nothing. People around us can make us smile, can make us laugh, can even put us out of our comfort zones, but you know what they can’t do? Make us 100% happy. That’s our own job. We ask so much from the people around us.. to make us feel butterflies in our tummies, to make us laugh as often as possible, to help us be optimistic, to help us be calm, to guide us, to give us strength, to give us certainty. I know, the easiest places to look for all of those is on the outside. But that’s not the real place that will fulfil us. We think they have the things we need, and when they don’t give us what we need, we blame them. Oh how much we blame them.. 

If you could compare this behaviour to that of someone, to whom would you compare it to? The first thing that comes to my mind is a child, a little one that is dependent on an adult. Can you take a step backwards and look at this honestly. If someone (that isn’t a child) would depend on you like that (maybe someone already does), wouldn’t it freak you out (or doesn’t it freak you out)? Wouldn’t you feel a huge responsibility on your shoulders to make someone feel happy, joyful, in a great state all the time? 

Now let’s come back to us. Have you noticed how we play the victim card whenever there’s something bad going on with us internally, and how we place the guilt on the exterior? It’s the easiest thing to do, and sometimes it even makes us feel better to vent on the people around us. Those poor souls.. Don’t take this the wrong way, we do these things to each other all the time, and sometimes we even love it, we shortly recharge from it, and then we realise what we did, we feel sorry, and then we go on to feeling miserable all together. 

Now.. what if there’s another way. Let’s face it, we all know there is always another way, there’s always the kind way, the compassionate way. Compassionate towards yourself, towards your pain, and suffering that is pushing you to your limits. Compassion and love for your wounds that get a postponing rather than a healing. If you’re fair with yourself, do you think you were made to live a small life, a sad life, or were you made to thrive? I am so certain that ALL of us are made to thrive, to be successful, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, and live extraordinary lives. I believe we are born on this earth to grow, to expand our consciousness, to succeed, and to never give up. 

What can you do today to make a shift in your way of seeing things? I encourage you to write at least 3 things that you could do TODAY that will make small shifts in your life, and will bring you the joy that you were looking for in the exterior. You were looking in the wrong place. Look inside, it’s all there, it always was and always will be. Let yourself be guided to the answers, act out of love for yourself and for the others around, and find what inspires you, find the reason that propels you. Write it down today. Write it again tomorrow, and apply it. By all means write it down every day and repeat it in your mind, it will help you find your way so much quicker than you think. Nobody can show you the way that’s right for you, only you can discover that, so put your lab coat on, get curious and search within. Sending love and light.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

A kaleidoscope of emotions

When you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Are you content with what you see or not? Can you look yourself in the eye, say “hi” and smile, or is it too awkward? If it is, don’t beat yourself up about it, you’re not the only one. But as you and I know, the most important relationship in this life is between you and yourself. It sounds like a cliche, but it’s really not. People don’t really get to the bottom of this idea. 

What does that mean “a good relationship with yourself”? Well it means you being your own supporter, you thinking highly of yourself, you knowing you are part of a Higher power and that a divine flame burns in you. Well if a divine flame burns in you, that’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? It is freakin' awesome. It means you actually have it in you to do absolutely anything you desire to accomplish, it means you have the power to build yourself up every day, because - hey, you are gifted. And I’m not just saying that. Have you heard about the law of attraction? That stuff is real, it’s pure physics, what you think - you attract. If all you think of all day is how miserable your life is, how sad you are or how unwell you feel, or that depression never seems to leave your path, guess what? The universe confirms your ideas by giving you what you thought of. So what if, instead of thinking how awful everything is, you’d rather try to find the good parts in every situation? What if you’d focus on what goes well in your life? What if you’d be grateful for the handful of people that love you? Do you think the universe won’t hear you? Think again. What we think about amplifies. All.The.Time. You know those words that Genie from the lamp says: “your wish is my command”. That’s how the universe works as well. If you have pure beautiful happy thoughts of gratitude for a moment, the happy moments will multiply. 

Do you know why people are always very happy when they have a new relationship? Because they are living in the now and they aren’t looking for things their partner cannot offer them. Once they start going on that path, one thought after the other turns into an avalanche that makes them push their partners away. If only we would focus on what’s available, instead of looking for what isn’t there, our minds would be at peace. It can start with us. Instead of blaming yourself for not being beautiful enough, tall enough, smart enough, fit enough, try looking for the positive things. For starter: that you’re enough. Beautiful enough, smart enough, and so on. Maybe you took a bad grade, that doesn’t make you any less smart than you are. Maybe your face exploded with pimples, that doesn’t make you any less beautiful. Maybe your friends don’t pay you compliments, that doesn’t mean you aren’t special or important. 

You know, all of us need to feel significant. We need people to acknowledge us, and sometimes we would do anything to get people’s approval, even if that means hurting ourselves. I’m gonna ask you this: what if you would never have their approval, no matter what you would do, would you still fight for it? Would you still think it’s worth it? Ultimately why do we crave for people’s approval? Why do we think we’re nothing if our friends or family don’t make us feel important? Why don’t we know already that we are important? Let’s check again the phrase we agreed on at the beginning: we all have a divine spark inside of us - that makes us awesome, and powerful. If we are awesome and powerful, why do we need recognition from other people? Because we are social people, and we need connection, but sometimes we overlap that with our constant need of reassurance that we’re great. And instead of us giving that to ourselves, we expect to hear it from others. You see, people these days are so busy overthinking about their own lives, that they forget to pay a compliment, or say a nice thing. They forget a hug could be much needed, or even just a simple “hi, how are you?”. Or some practice the ever so fashionable projections of self on others – i guess that never goes out of style. However, at the end of the day, if nobody had a moment for us, to make us feel at least a tiny little bit important, we go home and pity ourselves, and lay in bed uncompensated, feeling alone and unloved. 

You need to know there is another way. You can fill your own tank, it is crucial to learn that, and not to expect others to fill it for you. Imagine 2 instances: 1 person feeling depressed, going to meet his friends so that they will cheer him up. Another person that fills his own tank with joy, and is able to make his own day rock, and maybe even bring sunshine to others. Yea, I’d go with option 2. I think being an enthusiast in life is key. 

So how can you fill your own tank? Have you ever thought “I wish that person would tell me these words:....” or “I wish they would’ve showed more love/care/compassion/forgiveness/happiness”, etc? I’m sure you did. What if i would tell you that at the end of the day when you feel all drained, you can close your eyes and give all those gifts to yourself? What if you would realise that it’s not about the others, it’s about you - how you perceive the world around you is gonna change your life completely. 

If you decide today that you wanna be strong, wholehearted, full of love, with a high self esteem - close your eyes and breathe them in, decide to be that, make an intention. It all starts there, with a desire and a decision. With the passion of (example) I am beautiful. And every time you feel your heart without that feeling, refuel it, and say it again, feel it in your chest and let it travel your body. 

The only person who needs to believe in you is yourself. All the rest play their own roles. But you have the main role in your story, don’t delegate it to someone else, don’t expect people to compliment you, compliment yourself. If you find something nice about yourself, write it down, tomorrow find another one to write down, and you’ll see, the more you look for the good, the more good you’ll find.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Ma bucur de soare. Ma bucur ca desi e Noiembrie, e atat de cald si frumos afara. Sunt dependenta de soare si de vremea buna. Oare simti la fel? 

Ma simt incarcata de energie atunci cand vremea e frumoasa. Plimbarile in aer liber, cu razele soarelui ce imi dezmiarda chipul, parca sterg orice urma de suparare, iar adierea vantului ia cu el toate grijile mele. Cand sunt in natura parca intreaga mea lume interioara se schimba, si fiecare miscare din jurul meu ma face sa fiu prezenta, sa ma bucur de viata, sa fiu recunoscatoare pentru ce am, pentru ce vad si ce simt. Atunci cand pasesti in natura, aceasta te primeste de fiecare data cu bratele deschise, chiar daca nu ai mai vizitat-o de mult, chiar daca esti vesel sau trist, cu mintea incarcata sau nu. Te primeste si nu te judeca, e ca un prieten bun si intelept, gata sa imparta cu tine din linistea sa. 

Daca pomii ne-ar putea vorbi probabil ne-ar povesti tot ce au vazut pe parcursul anilor, dar nu ar vorbi despre tristete, ci despre bucurie, despre crestere si despre cum sa nu te lasi doborat atunci cand factorii externi nu sunt in favoarea ta. Cred ca ne-ar vorbi despre linistea lor interioara, si despre cat de importanta e ea pentru a putea creste sanatos si frumos, despre faptul ca aspectul lor exterior nu reprezinta un motiv ca ei sa nu reuseasca sa se inalte. Ne-ar vorbi si despre cat de mult natura ii ajuta sa se incarce si cat de frumos circula energia prin radacinile, trunchiul, ramurile, frunzele lor, iar asta ii ajuta sa razbeasca. Ne-ar mai spune si ca atunci cand sunt doborati de oameni, nu se intristeaza, ci se bucura ca pot tine de cald atunci cand sunt aprinsi in sobe, si stiu ca o parte din samanta lor va dainui mereu. 

Sa vezi binele in orice situatie, sa iti pastrezi calmul, stiind ca nimic din ce tu aprobi nu te poate dobori si ca ai mereu parte de protectia Divina, sa tii fruntea sus si sa nu iti fie rusine de aspectul tau exterior si nici de ceea ce porti in suflet, sa lasi energia buna sa circule prin tine si sa dai drumul gandurilor grele, sa privesti mai mult spre cer si sa iti amintesti ca Cineva tine in palma Sa intreaga lume, sa te bucuri de ceea ce te inconjoara si sa fii prezent, sa daruiesti din ce esti si ce ai celor din jur. Acestea sunt doar cateva din intelepciunile naturii, care ne invata atat de multe, si de care fiecare din noi ne putem bucura necontenit si cu care ne putem incarca, fara a ni se spune ca am luat prea mult sau prea putin. 

Tie ce iti aduce bucurie?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Cat de valorosi suntem pentru noi insine?

Eu cred in importanta pretuirii de sine, cred ca porneste din interiorul fiecaruia si este combustibilul care asigura succesul in fiecare domeniu al vietii noastre. Daca pretuirea de sine lipseste, fiecare pas pe care dorim sa il facem devine mai greoi decat trebuie, iar intregul drum in viata devine anevoios. Pretuirea ne da acel boost care ne ajuta sa ne miscam gratios, fara teama ca daca lumea nu ne apreciaza, inseamna ca nu avem valoare, fara frica de a ne da voie sa gresim, fara teama de a ne exprima liber si autentic. 

Atunci cand pretuirea de sine exista intr-un procentaj ridicat, unii oameni se tem sa nu fie perceputi de cei din jur ca fiind aroganti sau narcisisti. Dar exista o diferenta considerabila intre a fi arogant si narcisist si a te pretui pentru ceea ce esti, fara a iti mai fi frica sa arati lumii adevaratele tale culori, chiar daca uneori imaginea nu e placuta ochilor. Avem tendinta sa ne acoperim cu masti, pentru a ne proteja de critica celor din jur, nestiind de fapt ca tot ce facem este sa ne demonstram noua ca nu suntem suficient de buni pentru cei din jur. Atunci cand avem curajul sa ne privim in oglinda si sa spunem: “ma accept asa cum sunt, ma pretuiesc si stiu ca am ceva valoros de oferit, sunt recunoscatoare pentru darurile ce le am si aleg sa nu imi mai fie rusine de propria persoana, de felul in care arat, de felul in care vorbesc, gandesc sau ma port”, ne ridicam din randul multimii si ne dam voie sa fim ceea ce ni s-a dat sa fim: fiinte de lumina, care aleg sa vada partea buna a lucrurilor. Stiti cat de putini astfel de oameni exista? 

Oamenii se feresc de alti oameni, se protejeaza de posibili dusmani, la tot pasul. Dar stiti care e cel mai mare dusman al nostru? Noi insine. Sa ai curajul sa stai tu cu tine si sa te ierti pentru tot ce ti-ai facut pe parcursul anilor, sa te accepti asa cum esti, sa incetezi sa mai lupti impotriva ta, sa iti dai voie sa stralucesti in felul tau unic, asta cred eu ca inseamna pretuirea de sine. Iar bucuria este ca atunci cand alegem sa ne pretuim, vom sti sa punem bariere sanatoase intre noi si cei din jur, si nu masti. Bariere care ne ajuta sa avem grija de noi, prin care ne dam voie sa fim autentici, iar oamenii sa stie sa ne respecte spatiul si sufletul. Iar cei care nu vor sti sa le respecte, vor pleca singuri, fara ca noi sa ne batem capul cu acest lucru. 

Imi doresc sa avem zi de zi curajul de ne cunoaste cu adevarat si de a ne accepta cu bune si rele, de a trai fara regretul ca nu ne-am ascultat sufletul si nu ne-am pretuit destul. Zi de zi - pentru ca aceasta e o alegere zilnica. 

Un cuvant de inceput

Bun venit pe blogul meu. Acest blog a luat nastere in urma cu 8 ani, cand scriam din suflet despre experientele mele, in speranta ca pot impartasi din ce m-a invatat viata. Dupa cativa ani de la infiintare, am sters toate articolele pentru ca la vremea respectiva nu credeam ca am lucruri importante sau interesante de spus. Lucrurile s-au schimbat mult de atunci. Am crescut, am trecut prin si mai multe experiente, iar viata m-a slefuit ca pe un diamant, lucru care inca se intampla. Suntem cu totii intr-un proces continuu de crestere si dezvoltare.
Iti multumesc ca esti aici, si sper ca ceea ce scriu sa iti faca experienta aceasta numita viata mai frumoasa, sa iti deschida ochii spre noi orizonturi, sau poate doar sa iti confirme ca nu esti singura persoana care traieste un caleidoscop de emotii.


Have you noticed how we don’t make a move or a change in our lives until things get really, and I mean REALLY bad for us? We sit on a s...